- … Is the festivals voice in the Swedish culture politics
- … Lifts the festival as a dynamic and challenging force in society
- … Creates an creative environment among festival organizers
- … Communicates knowledge about festivals to the audience
- … Stimulates education of new festival organizers
- … Works internationally throughout Europe
- SWEDEN FESTIVALS was founded in 1984, as a non-profit, national organization for Swedish culture festivals. Sweden Festivals is committed to work within the Swedish politics to strengthen the concept of the festival, both as an art form and as a culture carrier, despite artistic genre.
- SWEDEN FESTIVALS acts as a partner and mediator of knowledge for members and promotes idea exchange between festival organizers and also acts with support regarding questions about founding.
- SWEDEN FESTIVALS arranges educations, conferences, seminars and meetings, and also represents “FestivalSweden” to international organizations such as European Festival Assiciation EFA, a network that contains almost 2000 members in over 40 countries.
- SWEDEN FESTIVALS is a meeting point for in-depth exchange of experience and inspiration which gives a chance to widen the horizon and to find new cooperation’s.
- SWEDEN FESTIVALS is your festival family in the light of the Northern Lights!
Advantages as a member of Sweden Festivals
- An automatic membership in EFA (European Festivals Association) and MAIS (Musikarrangörer I Samverkan).
- A strong position towards visitors and politicians - municipally, regionally and nationally.
- Access to all the members common knowledge
- Access to other countries festival networks
- Help and support regarding legal- and tax based questions
- Offers of subsidized conferences, courses and seminars
- Regular newsletters with information and news
- Information about founding, only offered to members
- A personal section on the Sweden Festivals website
- Marketing through Sweden Festivals different channels
Apply for membership be following this link (in Swedish)
The members fee is devided in a members fee of 3000 kr, which is free of taxes. Added to the members fee is a service fee of 3000 kr. For festivals that do pay taxes, taxes are added to the service fee. Biennaler and "resting member" only pays the members fee the year that there is no festival.
Termination of the membership has to be done by post to the SF-board, November the year before the termination will be valid.