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16 Oct 2023

New seminar on Emerging Artists and National Festival Meeting at Umeå Jazz Festival

When; Saturday 28 October at 13.15-15.15, ZOOM, link will be announced laterWhere; Umeå Folkets Hus during the Umeå Jazz FestivalIn addition; Accreditation for Umeå Jazz FestivalTarget group; Members and festivals who want to broaden their network, engage emerging artists or who want to broaden their international collaborationIncluded; Support for travel and accommodation, lunch, coffee, and accreditation to the Festival
28 Sep 2023

Seminar about festival development and European collaboration

When; Thursday 28 september kl. 13.30-16.30Plcae; Konsert & KongressAlso; Invigning av Uppsala Internationella Gitarrfestival kl. 18.30Target group; Sweden Festivals members, festival managers och promoters.Included; Travel support, dinner, fika, ticket to opening consert and accomodation.
1 Mar 2022

In solidarity with Ukraine

We are deeply affected by what is happening now in Ukraine and would like to express solidarity to cultural organisations, artists and all people in the region on behalf of all EFA members worldwide.  Europe is a common home for all its citizens and people. The twentieth-century of unprecedented horrific wars and suffering is behind us. Hopes and dreams are alive of people who want to create peace, freedom, and security. There is no justification for war. We are all losers when peace and freedom are threatened. Let's raise our voices in defence of Peace.
30 Nov 2021

[Press release] The festivals community came together for the European Festivals Association’s Arts Festivals Summit in Galway

The members of the European Festivals Association (EFA), the festivals community and their stakeholders came together in Galway for the Arts Festivals Summit from 22 to 24 November 2021, in person and online.During the General Assembly meeting, EFA members voted in ten new festivals to join the association and elected the new board of directors.


Sweden Festivals skickar regelbundet nyhetsbrev med information om festivaler i Sverige och utomlands. Nyhetsbreven riktar sig till festivalarrangörer, artister, konstnärer, politiker, administratörer och andra aktörer och intressenter inom konst- och kulturområdet.

Anmäl dig till nyhetsbrevet du också!

NordicBaltic Festival Platform

The 4th NordicBaltic Arts Festival Conference will take place in Gdansk, Poland in October/November 2018.

Stay tuned for more information!

715 festivals to get the EFFE Label 2017-2018

At the Arts Festival Summit Europe's 715 remarkable Festivals 2017-2018 received the EFFE Label in the prescence of the European Commission and Parliament.

Learn more about the EFFE Label Community; age and geography HERE

The unbound force

Sweden is behind the rest of Europe when it comes to recognizing the FESTIVAL as an important cultural carrier, says Peter Eriksson and Noomi Hedlund at the Association of Sweden Festivals. Read more HERE (Swedish)

Music Festivals a Changing World

Music Festivals a Changing World - an International comparison. 

The book is available from Sweden Festivals


Your festival can be a member

Join Sweden Festivals and take part in our international network, training, meetings and all our festivalknowledge. Together we develop FestivalSweden!

Sweden Festivals is a member of EFA

Sweden Festivals is a member of EFA (European Festival Association). EFA gathers festivals and collective festival organisations from all of Europa with support of EU.