Seminar about festival development and European collaboration

When; Thursday 28 september kl. 13.30-16.30
Plcae; Konsert & Kongress
Also; Invigning av Uppsala Internationella Gitarrfestival kl. 18.30
Target group; Sweden Festivals members, festival managers och promoters.
Included; Travel support, dinner, fika, ticket to opening consert and accomodation.
Sweden Festivals, together with the Uppsala International Guitar Festival and the European Festivals Association, invites you to a seminar concerning EFFEA (European Festivals For Emerging Artists) and Festivals role in current cultural policy with opportunities for networking and initiating collaborations. In round 2 of EFFEA, the Uppsala International Guitar Festival has been approved by EFFEA as one of 50 project-leading festivals engaging emerging artist Uppsala Guitar Quartet in residency, which, among other duties, plays Friday the 29th. Now we aim for even more festivals to become project leaders in the next round, which will be announced in January 2024. The target group is festival leaders and concert organizers. Support for travel and accommodation can be obtained. Contact for more information.The cultural debate is in full swing and Sweden Festivals has recently pointed out to the Swedish Art Council the importance of cultural festivals being recognized in the awarding of grants. At the same time, the country's art/cultural workers and performers are questioned and lumped together as a spoiled cultural elite. In Norway, it is said that cultural life balances on a knife's edge. There are many issues to discuss and debate and with a common voice we can be heard better in the debate.
When; Thursday 28 September at 13.30-16.30
Place; Concert & Congress
In addition; Opening of the Uppsala International Guitar Festival at 18.30
Target group; Members and festivals who want to broaden their network, engage emerging artists or who want to broaden their international collaboration network
Included; Support for travel and accommodation, coffee, dinner and tickets to the opening concert. You are welcome to register by September 25 at the latest to
Program schedule for Seminar at Uppsala Guitar 2023-09-28
13.00-13.15 Welcome and current information from Sweden Festivals
13.15-13.45 Presentation of EFFA basics, call #1, call #2 and upcoming call #3. Donika Rudi EFA. ZOOM
13.45-14.00 Q/A with Donika
14.10-14.30 All my Friends are Stars. Experiences from call #1 and #2. Americk and Nich.
14.30-15.00 Coffee break
15.00-15.20 Future Echoes (Norrköping). Festival presentation and partner Festival. Patrik Åslund
15.20-15.40 Uppsala Guitar Festival. Festival presentation and leading festival. Klaus Pontvik
15.45-16.30 Swedish Art Festivals in the future - introduction and discussion.
17.00 Dinner at Il Forno Italiano, S:t Olofsgatan 8
18.30 Uppsala International Guitar Festival - Opening concert at University Hall
21.00 Uppsala International Guitar Festival - Derek Gripper & Ballaké Sissoko at Katalin