New seminar on Emerging Artists and National Festival Meeting at Umeå Jazz Festival

When; Saturday 28 October at 13.15-15.15, ZOOM, link will be announced later
Where; Umeå Folkets Hus during the Umeå Jazz Festival
In addition; Accreditation for Umeå Jazz Festival
Target group; Members and festivals who want to broaden their network, engage emerging artists or who want to broaden their international collaboration
Included; Support for travel and accommodation, lunch, coffee, and accreditation to the Festival
Sweden Festivals together with Umeå Jazzfestival and the European Festivals Association (EFA) invites you to a seminar concerning emerging artists with the project EFFEA (European Festivals For Emerging Artists) and upcoming "National Festival Meeting - The Sweden Festival" in Umeå 19-21 April .
In addition to EFA, we receive information from Uppsala International Guitar Festival, All My Friends are Stars Festival and Gothenburg Fringe Festival, all of which are project-leading festivals within EFFEA and have been awarded a grant of SEK 95,000 to promote "Emerging Artists" in residence. Now we aim for even more festivals to become project leaders in the next round, which will be announced in January 2024. The target group is festival leaders, producers and concert organizers. As a first step, register on FestivalFinder. Support for travel and accommodation can be obtained. Contact for more information.
In the last two years, Sweden Festivals has held "National Festival Meeting - The Sweden Festival" in Norrköping and Gothenburg, which has been very successful and added value to the community. We plan to hold next year's National Festival meeting in Umeå at Umeå Folkets Hus. The turn has come to Northern Sweden and Umeå is recognized for its festivals. We have applied for grants from the Culture Council for concert and collaboration projects. We produce “The Sweden Festival” together with the member festivals, so if you are interested in participating, this is a first step.
You are welcome to register by October 25 at the latest to
Program Schedule for Seminar at Umeå Jazz Festival 2023-10-28, Umeå Folkets Hus
12.00-13.00 Lunch
13.00-13.55 Welcome and introduction from Sweden Festivals
13.15-13.45 Presentation of EFFA basics, call # 1, call # 2 and upcoming call # 3. Donika Rudi EFA. ZOOM
13.45-14.00 All my Friends are Stars. Leading festival call # 1 and partner festival # 2. Americk Lewis and Nich Sosin.
14.00-14.15 Gothenburg Fringe Festival. Leading Festival call # 1 and # 2. Chris O’Reilly. ZOOM
14.15-14.30 Uppsala Guitar Festival. Festival presentation and leading festival call # 2. Klaus Pontvik
14.30-15.00 National Festival Summit 2024 with “The Sweden Festival”
15.00-15.15 Summery
16.30-02.00 Festival Time
Accommodation: Hotel Winn, which is the Festival Hotel
Peter Eriksson Erik Palm
Chairman Business manager