News article

29 Mar 2017

The Festival Platform in Gothenburg - Conference 1 April

Saturday, April 1st the Festival Platform organises its annual conference. The confernce is particularly aimed at those who organise or plan to start a cultural festival, but also for those who work with the festival and organising issues in other ways, such as cultural administration and tourism within the municipality or the region. The theme of the day revolves around the site's significance for the festival, and the festival's importance to the community where it takes place. In addition eight cultural festivals from Västra Götaland give short presentations. Welcome with your application to an inspiring and fully stocked today!

Kultur i Väst has been commissioned by the Cultural Committee in West Sweden to create a platform for festival development. We call it short, the Festival Platform.
There are many interesting aspects of the festival as a backdrop for art practices and interpersonal space. It is an event form that in several ways are bemeficial to the cultural policy objectives. These are not just about artistic development, but also about democracy and widening participation, and Västra Götaland want to be an attractive region to visit, live and work.

Read more about Kultur i Väst and Festival Platform